What are the biggest problems you are facing in A levels?
Specific notes on a particular matter within the syllabus. Some users are either way too busy or lazy to go across the web and google their own answers. They just need a little push in that.

What are the subjects that are challenging you most?
Not really challenging but we do have members with doubts in the sciences and Maths most.

And what kind of help would you require from us?
Sometimes they have certain difficulty to solve a number and it's upto us to help them understand it first then solve it themselves.

Would you be happy with a website where you could ask the questions related to any subject matter and they would be answered?
That would be nice if you could cover almost every subject. The answers however should be according the syllabus of the different boards.
Or would you guys prefer the video tutorials.
This option is also welcomed by many users here.