Qualification > Sciences


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can all of you taking physics tell me how you are studying for the paper 6. what topics are you revising and how are you revising? (for example are you just doing past papers or other things as well). I'm in some mess, and i' trying to get out of it.

X Abdulrahman X:
dont worry about physics its really easy u will realise that once u start doing lots of p6's :P
atm im only doing past papers but im focusing all little more on mirrors /rays and circuits cuz some are hard, some of them are also included in p3.

ok. and what about the others?

X Abdulrahman X:

--- Quote from: godfather93 on May 10, 2009, 08:22:06 pm ---ok. and what about the others?

--- End quote ---

u mean other exams or topics ?

well i dont study as much p6's for physics as other exams cuz its not tht hard.

other p6 topics are easy, most of the questions already have an equation and u basically put numbers in them to get an answer, and some questions they tell u to measure X-Y etc using a ruler :P

do you know if snell's law and the right hand rules are coming in the exam?


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