Qualification > Sciences

need help with a physics question (IMPORTANT)

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Time now 10:46pm saturday
Exam day Sunday 8:00am
thanks for solving.
waiting pics...

tomorrow... :o :o :o
here u go...
phew i thought i lost the copy....
PLZ agree terms and condition... :-[ :-[
1. Please don't laugh at my writing.... :-[ :-[ :-[
2. Ask me any doubt u have right now... because i have same time as urs and gotta skool tomorrw.

There is nothing wrong with your writing Saud  ::)

I'm +repping you. ;)


--- Quote from: Hamlet on December 11, 2010, 08:09:48 pm ---There is nothing wrong with your writing Saud  ::)

I'm +repping you. ;)

--- End quote ---
Thank phew.... :P  ::)
Writing really :o :o OKAY!


--- Quote from: MEGAMIND on December 11, 2010, 08:14:12 pm ---Thank phew.... :P  ::)
Writing really :o :o OKAY!

--- End quote ---

yes.. ;)


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