Author Topic: Best 8 Tips For the GRE  (Read 1265 times)

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Best 8 Tips For the GRE
« on: December 28, 2010, 07:21:29 am »
Taking the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) requires a lot of preparation. If you plan to take the GRE Test, be sure to follow the 8 tried-and-tested tips from successful GRE examinees who have taken the exam in the past.

1. Do not miss a question. It is highly advised that you answer every single question. You will get a zero if you leave the item blank.

2. Make educated guesses if you don't know the correct answer. If you're taking the Computer-Adaptive GRE, you won't have the chance to go back to your previous answers. The best advice would be to make educated guesses when you are unsure of the correct answer.

3. Use your scratch paper wisely. Examinees are not allowed to bring paper into the testing room but you will be provided with scratch paper. Use these wisely when solving math problems or when writing your essay. Maximize the spaces very well because there will be limited scratch paper available for each student.

4. Stay focused and stay on pace. It is not the right time to lose concentration. You have less than two minutes per question on the GRE; pacing is critical. Avoid panicking; remember a test is also a way of conquering your fears and your emotions. Take the exam with all calmness and you will never suffer being mental-blocked.

5. Drop your second guess. Researchers have proved that the first thought that comes to mind is usually the right answer. When truly in doubt, go for the answer that you first thought was correct. Listen to your instinct and logic and that is the first answer your mind suggested.

6. Control your stress. The thought of actually sitting in front of your computer on the exam day can be nerve-wracking. However, you have to control stress in order for you to answer the questions properly. Develop a routine before taking practice exams and follow that routine when you take the real exam. This is a great way to make things easier for you and staying on focus. Many fails not because of lack of preparation but because of suffering from mental-blocked caused of failing to control stress on the actual GRE examination day.

7. Quickly scan the question first when answering reading comprehension questions. Reading the stories and articles can be very time-consuming. If you want to save time, scan the questions first hence; will give you an idea on what to look when you are actually reading it.

8. Outline your essay. If there's one part of the GRE that many incoming examinees fear the most, it's the essay. To ensure that you come up with a compelling essay, take time to outline your essay first so you won't be all cluttered up. A well-outlined essay will also be a lot easier to compose and will definitely pour out bright ideas from you.