Qualification > Miscellaneous



This question has come many times in the past papers...

The systems analyst decides that the system needs to have a screen input form to
enter all the details of each book. Design a screen input form which could be used for
typing in the details of one book.

Ok, now I understand everythg
but do we have to draw a "form" --> I mean that one that we can see in MS access...?
Or a table to enter the data...

hope one of u can help....

they are basically asking wat screen would a librarian see .. just think of tht .... wat fields that kinda thing

book name
author of the book
book cover
publisher of the book
year published, etc ....

i could kinda explain more if u like :D

X Abdulrahman X:
yep basically u have taken a screenshot of a screen where a librarian would fill in some details bout a book, and u draw that screenshot on the paper  ;D

it includes stuff like book name , number etc.


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