Author Topic: Should divorce be legal?  (Read 45995 times)


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2010, 10:34:40 am »
Yes. Of course watching parents fight is more traumatising than living with only one.

Of course, it wouldn't work for everyone. But the model of divorce assumes that it does work and should. Anyway, you don't have any statistics to claim it doesn;t work. ;)

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2010, 11:32:44 am »
If I want, I can quote counter-sources too,  but just for the discussion's sake, lets assume that divorce is illegal.

Now how would the problem between couples who cannot adjust, be solved? Any better solution than divorce?


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2010, 11:35:36 am »
If I want, I can quote counter-sources too,  but just for the discussion's sake, lets assume that divorce is illegal.

Now how would the problem between couples who cannot adjust, be solved? Any better solution than divorce?

Name the problems? Maybe we can give a try.  ;)

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2010, 11:38:16 am »
Name the problems? Maybe we can give a try.  ;)

Extramarital affair, the first one. Any solution than divorce?


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2010, 11:40:24 am »
wow alpha u got that !  :o :o

but any day dont u think so its beeter for children stay with one loving parent than staying with parents who fight everyday  for evary small thing
child doent have peace of mind with all the shouting n thrashing going around  and parents r least bothered abt the child because they are too frustrated    n worst of all  the easiest way the parents can take of their anger is on the child  cuz the child cant not hit back  

now what do u think ! ?
i have friend whoz parents are divorced  n frnd whoz parents din get a divorce b cuz of the child
n trust me the child with the divorced is much more happier and has a peace of mind

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2010, 11:41:53 am »
wow alpha u got that !  :o :o

but any day dont u think so its beeter for children stay with one loving parent than staying with parents who fight everyday  for evary small thing
child doent have peace of mind with all the shouting n thrashing going around  and parents r least bothered abt the child because they are too frustrated    n worst of all  the easiest way the parents can take of their anger is on the child  cuz the child cant not hit back  

now what do u think ! ?
i have friend whoz parents are divorced  n frnd whoz parents din get a divorce b cuz of the child
n trust me the child with the divorced is much more happier and has a peace of mind

Yes. THat's my point. Its relatively better to live with one parent (and miss the other, or pay weekly visits), than watching the two quarrel everyday.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #66 on: November 26, 2010, 11:45:02 am »
Extramarital affair, the first one. Any solution than divorce?

Extramarital affair, because of what? There are many reasons leading to extramarital affairs.

wow alpha u got that !  :o :o

but any day dont u think so its beeter for children stay with one loving parent than staying with parents who fight everyday  for evary small thing
child doent have peace of mind with all the shouting n thrashing going around  and parents r least bothered abt the child because they are too frustrated    n worst of all  the easiest way the parents can take of their anger is on the child  cuz the child cant not hit back  

now what do u think ! ?
i have friend whoz parents are divorced  n frnd whoz parents din get a divorce b cuz of the child
n trust me the child with the divorced is much more happier and has a peace of mind

In bold: What says they cannot encounter these problems living with a single parent?
Do you, really think single parents are "happy"?

I've seen women becoming prostitutes because of that. Men becoming alcoholics, social outcasts.

In Italics: By the way, I have friends too. ;)

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #67 on: November 26, 2010, 11:47:59 am »
Extramarital affair, because of what? There are many reasons leading to extramarital affairs.

Just face it: You're trying to complicate a simple issue whose solution is simple - Divorce. (no matter the 'type')

In bold: What says they cannot encounter these problems living with a single parent?
Do you, really think single parents are "happy"?

SIngle parents are happier because they don't quarrel with each other.

I've seen women becoming prostitutes because of that. Men becoming alcoholics, social outcasts.

That's a very minority.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #68 on: November 26, 2010, 11:53:02 am »
Just face it: You're trying to complicate a simple issue whose solution is simple - Divorce. (no matter the 'type')

Primo, it is not a simple issue. And the solution you gave is the extreme one, it isn't simple either.

Okay, if you don't want to elaborate, I can't say anything more either.

SIngle parents are happier because they don't quarrel with each other.
That's a very minority.

Who said they don't quarrel? Prove it with statistics.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #69 on: November 26, 2010, 11:54:18 am »
Extramarital affair, because of what? There are many reasons leading to extramarital affairs.

In bold: What says they cannot encounter these problems living with a single parent?
Do you, really think single parents are "happy"?

I've seen women becoming prostitutes because of that. Men becoming alcoholics, social outcasts.

In Italics: By the way, I have friends too. ;)

i cnt assure they wld b happier  but atleat they wont be in as pathetic state as they wld b in they r shouting n thrashing each other daily !

ohkie n abt the thingi they do later on u cnt really count on every singel parent to do that !
not every single mother goes into prostitution !  they might as well find a good job  n live her life ahead !
n if the single dad becomes a alcoholic then what is the guaranty he might not become one cuz of the fights n pressure at home ! ??

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #70 on: November 26, 2010, 11:56:52 am »
Primo, it is not a simple issue. And the solution you gave is the extreme one, it isn't simple either.

Name one alternative solution please. You are going bla bla bla without naming any alternative solution till now.

Who said they don't quarrel? Prove it with statistics.

At least they don't have the opportunity to quarrel, as they would have if they lived together.

I wonder why do I have to point every single thing to you. Its common sense.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2010, 12:05:40 pm »
Name one alternative solution please. You are going bla bla bla without naming any alternative solution till now.

Listen, let us take the case for oldies or middle-aged people. Both the woman and the man experience hormonal changes that are in contradiction to the opposite sex when they're in their middle ages. That can be one reason causing individuals to think their partners no longer understand them/ are avoiding them/ no longer need them/ bla bla bla.

The rest, later.


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2010, 12:10:04 pm »
alpha thats no solution !

even if they r going under hormonal changes n want to divorce their partner rather than fight n kill them  whats the matter !


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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #73 on: November 26, 2010, 12:11:50 pm »
alpha thats no solution !

even if they r going under hormonal changes n want to divorce their partner rather than fight n kill them  whats the matter !

These hormonal changes are not for ever, but it's stupid to allow them leave a permanent effect on one's psychology.

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Re: Should divorce be legal?
« Reply #74 on: November 26, 2010, 12:15:33 pm »
Listen, let us take the case for oldies or middle-aged people. Both the woman and the man experience hormonal changes that are in contradiction to the opposite sex when they're in their middle ages. That can be one reason causing individuals to think their partners no longer understand them/ are avoiding them/ no longer need them/ bla bla bla.

The rest, later.

Explain hormonal changes. And how can you possibly CONTROL those changes, so as to prevent divorce? Inject them with supplementary testosterone/estrogen? ::) They are harmful.

That was not a solution, to be direct. That was just a sidetracked  reply, avoiding the keyword 'solution'. ;)