Personally I believe it really will help someone lead a better life. However we need to adapt each one of them to the current way of living.
Truth has always dominated in whichever situations. Although nowadays our lives are full of lies, we cannot deny the fact that there's something within our soul which reminds us that it is bad to lie. Our conscience is not at rest unless we're always on the right track which is very rare nowadays. With a free conscience, we'll be able to think and opt for the best solutions regarding our own lives hence improving it.
Like sabbath precised, we have developed a sense of resistance within ourselves. We are all educated and we know about our rights. We also know that no one has the right to dominate us, so we'll be fighting for our rights. But, if each and everyone of us believed in
non-resistance and adopted it, the question of domination will never even arise.
Any organism on Earth is the creation of GOD. We must respect them as we respect our elders. Killing should be avoided as far as possible. Wars and conflicts will hence be prevented, what better life can we dream without wars or fights

Even between other organisms, peace and harmony should reign.
Fasting has been prescribed to us as a way to clean our body. It has been scientifically proved that fasting has tremendous benefits to the body of humans. Moreover fasting is carried out by people who have faith in GOD. This will also helps us to have faith and trust in others which will indeed benefit us in our lives.
Religion is the simple mode of life that GOD himself concocted for his fellow creatures. If we abide by all its rules and regulations, we are bound to be successful in life.
NOTE : These are my opinions. Anyone has the right to contest it