Oops, sorry. I meant. fav.
Yup, i agree, the ending was well, something dat can't be described.
Do you like Severus Snape? I started loving him after he died. What an Irony!
Who is your favourite in Hp?
Severus Snape? Yeah its quite ironical... Its sad though that he had to die in that manner, maybe another, more noble..... would've surely been better.
Favourite in HP-Weasely twins

On a more serious note it would've been either Dumbeldore or Mad Eye Moody.
Fav= I dunno actually maybe the first

ok, so what's your favourite spell? what house would u be in? who'z ur fav. proffessor? what's ur fav. subject?
Spill up, Spill up! 
Lol, InshaAllah later, my bed is calling me.
'Night all!