--> Um . what would you grade me on this?

Author Topic: Um . what would you grade me on this?  (Read 8359 times)

Offline Galleria

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Um . what would you grade me on this?
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:16:02 pm »
LOL hi,
I'm kind of wondering how much you people would grade on this descriptive essay.
M/J 2010, Paper 3, Variant 1.

3 A.

As I carried my school bag and walked along the street of Aldale, I couldn’t help but see the dark colour on the horizon emerging towards me. The darkness was imbuing the sky of purple and orange hues that created tapestries so gorgeous that anyone could just lie watching it, contemplating on the dirty ground.
But, this couldn’t have been done that day. Something had begun to permeate and taint. Something marred the beauty of dusk and had started to rumble and “anomalize” the aesthetic nature of the sky.
Suddenly, it felt cold and the street was isolated, except a few cars that rushed here and there, accelerating and giving me a blow of smoke from time to time. I mused at the sky intermittently and every passing second, it got closer. And closer. So close that now, I felt a drop of water trickle down my face.
I knew that it would soon get damp so I started to pace. Drops of rain had already begun to fall, mizzling as I felt them hit me lightly and sporadically. I opened the zip of my bag and rummaged for an umbrella, but alas, to no avail.
I felt terrible – yes, terrible. For two reasons, that is. One because my mother would kill me for not taking an umbrella to school and two, for getting wet, as I am, to some extent a bit hydrophobic (I’m not implying that I don’t shower). Well, anyway, by now, I could hear affrighting bellows from the clouds and felt panic-struck.
I started to run. But then stopped. “What if I slip?”, I thought to myself. No. I couldn’t do it. So, I walked faster and put on the cap of my hood. Now, it was pelting and I was wet – completely soaked from top to bottom.
So then, I gave up. I knew I couldn’t reach home soon enough and fortunately found a shop. I stayed there until the storm abated into a gentle, serene breeze and darkness swung to a beautiful sky of twinkling stars with the glimmering moon.
Well, that beautiful moment took two and a half hours and my mother was furious to see her daughter wet. I changed quickly, and leaped inside the warm fuzzy bed and entered the world of dreams.
The following morning, when I woke up, the first thing I did was twitch my nose(involuntarily) and gave off a large sound after tilting my head back a little and powerfully swinging forth with a wet feeling. The sneeze was the antecedent for my absence in school for a week.

Offline Chingoo

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2010, 11:22:32 pm »

-> You've used bombastic and flamboyant language without purpose and hence, sometimes used it out of context or incorrectly. E.g. I couldn’t help but see the dark colour on the horizon emerging towards me (it is inaccurate to say something is emerging toward another. Emerge is almost always used in the context of 'emerge from xyz', because plants don't grow to the sky, they grow from the ground. Exceptions not considered. Also, though insignificant, develop a habit of using 'toward', 'afterward', etc, since 'towards' is actually a colloquial term.)
-> Disruptive use of language. E.g. One because my mother would kill me (Firstly, 'one because' is not a logical phrase. It should either be 'the first one being that' or 'one: my mother', etc. Also, where you're using formal and florid language, 'my mother would kill me' is not appropriate. The narrative is disrupted because of this incorrect usage.)
-> Lack of fluency in script. E.g. I started to run. But then stopped. “What if I slip?”, I thought to myself. No. I couldn’t do it. So, I walked faster and put on the cap of my hood. Now, it was pelting and I was wet – completely soaked from top to bottom. (There is absolutely no fluidity in reading this entire paragraph. I pause at the wrong points and there is no connection between the sentences.)

I have not given many other examples and corrections on purpose, because if you grasp the flaws I've detected, you yourself will be able to evaluate your script.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 11:24:17 pm by Chingoo »
All that is on earth will perish:
But will abide (forever) the Face of thy Lord--full of Majesty, Bounty & Honor.
Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?

Qura'n, Chapter 55: The Beneficent, Verses 26-28

Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 05:10:39 am »
ohhh ok :O . thanks!

Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2010, 05:14:21 am »
loool i didn't think of 'emerging' that way but the othersss yeaaah , i thought they were mistakes too . lol

Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2010, 05:19:20 am »
Re.do :

As I carried my school bag and walked along the street of Aldale, I couldn’t help but see the dark colour on the horizon emerging. The darkness was imbuing the sky of purple and orange hues that created tapestries so gorgeous that anyone could just lie watching it, contemplating on the dirty ground.
But, this couldn’t have been done that day. Something had begun to permeate and taint. Something marred the beauty of dusk and had started to rumble and “anomalize” the aesthetic nature of the sky.
Suddenly, it felt cold and the street was isolated, except a few cars that rushed here and there, accelerating and giving me a blow of smoke from time to time. I mused at the sky intermittently and every passing second, it got closer. And closer. So close that now, I felt a drop of water trickle down my face.
I knew that it would soon get damp so I started to pace. Drops of rain had already begun to fall, mizzling as I felt them hit me lightly and sporadically. I opened the zip of my bag and rummaged for an umbrella, but alas, to no avail.
I felt terrible – yes, terrible. For two reasons, that is. One: my mother would kill me for not taking an umbrella to school. Two: for getting wet, as I am, to some extent a bit hydrophobic (I’m not implying that I don’t shower). Well, anyway, by now, I could hear affrighting bellows from the clouds and felt panic-struck.
I started to run but then quickly stopped. “What if I slip?”, I thought to myself. No. I couldn’t do it. So, instead, I decided to stride, with my hood covering my head from the rain.
The effort was useless by now. It had started to pelt and I was wet – completely soaked from top to bottom.
So then, I gave up. I knew I couldn’t reach home soon enough and fortunately found a shop. I stayed there until the storm abated into a gentle, serene breeze and darkness swung to a beautiful sky of twinkling stars with the glimmering moon.
Well, that beautiful moment took two and a half hours and my mother was furious to see her daughter wet. I changed quickly, and leaped inside the warm fuzzy bed and entered the world of dreams.
The following morning, when I woke up, the first thing I did was twitch my nose(involuntarily) and gave off a large sound after tilting my head back a little and powerfully swinging forth with a wet feeling. The sneeze was the antecedent for my absence in school for a week.

nowww ?

Offline Arthur Bon Zavi

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2010, 06:06:17 am »
BAND 2! - 18 Marks ;D

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Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2010, 06:33:09 am »

Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2010, 12:54:56 pm »


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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2010, 01:04:31 pm »

I'll post mine. wait.


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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2010, 01:13:17 pm »
The Librarian!
As I push open the oak wood door, I am overcome by a tidal wave of cold air stemming from the antiquated air conditioning system affixed on the wall. As I shut the door, softly, behind me, I am greeted by a monstrosity. Seated on a tall mauve chair, like a griffin ready to pounce, is Ms. Maria, the librarian. Her thick black spectacles serve to only intensify her cold, icy gaze. Her black, beady eyes examine me carefully; waiting for a chance to accost me for disturbing the peace.
In a few, quick strides I walk over to her desk. Mountains of tattered books cover the varnished surface of her desk. I begin to perspire as I nervously ask, “Where is the history section ?” I brace myself for an interminable wave of shouting from this pudgy woman who has a reputation for being a strict martinet. With a quick nod of her head, she motions to the right.
As I move past her, I notice she is dressed in a black and white chequered dress; her wiry grey hair falls quite ungracefully on her shoulders. I pick my book and move to reading section.
I sit down and notice a Sixth Form student hunched over a massive chemistry textbook. Twirling a pen with his fingers he seems engrossed in the book. His thick wavy hair extends to his shoulders where it transforms into a long pony tail. My pristine white shirt cannot compare to his ‘uniform’. His shirt is decorated with a myriad of coloured spots; some quite big. His maroon tie hangs low from his neck and his collar button is open.
Even though it is a cool twenty degrees, he is sweating profusely; overcome with the intent desire to memorise the ionic equations before him. He looks hurriedly at the burnished Godfather Clock and resumes his studying. Quite evidently he is overcome with frustration; his face is contorted into a mask of worry.
I turn my head to see my mathematics teacher engaged in a hushed conversation with a student. Gesticulating wildly with her hands, she seems to be berating the boy. He looks sullen and his pale countenance evokes a sense of pity within me. His smoothly gelled back black hair and tattered uniform tell me he must be quite the troublemaker. With his hands together he seems to be imploring the teacher for something.
With a quick rearrangement of her sari, (which happens to be a bright saffron and white colour) she pushes the chair back and strides out of the library. The boy is left behind, his mouth agape; a truly shell shocked look on his face.

Offline Arthur Bon Zavi

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2010, 01:16:17 pm »
The Librarian!
As I push open the oak wood door, I am overcome by a tidal wave of cold air stemming from the antiquated air conditioning system affixed on the wall. As I shut the door, softly, behind me, I am greeted by a monstrosity. Seated on a tall mauve chair, like a griffin ready to pounce, is Ms. Maria, the librarian. Her thick black spectacles serve to only intensify her cold, icy gaze. Her black, beady eyes examine me carefully; waiting for a chance to accost me for disturbing the peace.
In a few, quick strides I walk over to her desk. Mountains of tattered books cover the varnished surface of her desk. I begin to perspire as I nervously ask, “Where is the history section ?” I brace myself for an interminable wave of shouting from this pudgy woman who has a reputation for being a strict martinet. With a quick nod of her head, she motions to the right.
As I move past her, I notice she is dressed in a black and white chequered dress; her wiry grey hair falls quite ungracefully on her shoulders. I pick my book and move to reading section.
I sit down and notice a Sixth Form student hunched over a massive chemistry textbook. Twirling a pen with his fingers he seems engrossed in the book. His thick wavy hair extends to his shoulders where it transforms into a long pony tail. My pristine white shirt cannot compare to his ‘uniform’. His shirt is decorated with a myriad of coloured spots; some quite big. His maroon tie hangs low from his neck and his collar button is open.
Even though it is a cool twenty degrees, he is sweating profusely; overcome with the intent desire to memorise the ionic equations before him. He looks hurriedly at the burnished Godfather Clock and resumes his studying. Quite evidently he is overcome with frustration; his face is contorted into a mask of worry.
I turn my head to see my mathematics teacher engaged in a hushed conversation with a student. Gesticulating wildly with her hands, she seems to be berating the boy. He looks sullen and his pale countenance evokes a sense of pity within me. His smoothly gelled back black hair and tattered uniform tell me he must be quite the troublemaker. With his hands together he seems to be imploring the teacher for something.
With a quick rearrangement of her sari, (which happens to be a bright saffron and white colour) she pushes the chair back and strides out of the library. The boy is left behind, his mouth agape; a truly shell shocked look on his face.

Spell that properly, :P.
This I read some...somewher...ahh!! That Newsletter! :P

Continuous efforts matter more than the outcome.
- NU


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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2010, 01:19:45 pm »
Spell that properly, :P.
This I read some...somewher...ahh!! That Newsletter! :P

It is spelt properly. ::)

Yeah, that was my contribution to the newsletter.

This is an original work BY ME !

444 words in total and took me around 45-50 minutes to write.

Offline Arthur Bon Zavi

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2010, 01:25:29 pm »
I give you 22 marks., be happy. :D

Continuous efforts matter more than the outcome.
- NU

Offline Galleria

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2010, 01:34:23 pm »
newsletter ? i'd love to read that .
DAAAAAMN .MY EXAMS IN NOV AND IM NOT PREPARED FOR ENGLISH AT ALL !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:( :( :(

Offline Arthur Bon Zavi

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Re: Um . what would you grade me on this?
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2010, 01:38:13 pm »
newsletter ? i'd love to read that .
DAAAAAMN .MY EXAMS IN NOV AND IM NOT PREPARED FOR ENGLISH AT ALL !!!  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
:( :( :(

Don't lose hope, lose your all grades except A*.

Continuous efforts matter more than the outcome.
- NU


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