Qualification > Reference Material
Paper 6 *Sciences* Information for Students..(2009)
As many students were wondering here I write the points CIE included in the revision checklists for MJ/2009
This is a written Paper, testing the same four skill areas as Paper 5. You may be
asked to:
-record readings from diagrams of apparatus e.g. current readings
-answer questions on the arrangemet of appartaus
-complete tables of data
-draw conclusions from information
-answer questions about experimental data
-plot a graph from a table of readings
-interpret information from graphs
-draw ray diagrams
-identify sources of error and suggest improvements in the experiment
-suggest suitable apparatus for investigations
This is a written Paper, testing the same four skill areas as Paper 5. You may be
asked to:
• record reading from diagrams of apparatus, e.g. burette readings
• answer questions on the arrangement of apparatus, e.g. for collecting gases
• complete tables of data
• draw conclusions from information
• answer questions about experimental data
• answer questions about tests for ions and gases - you will be expected to
learn and remember these tests
• plot and interpret information from graphs
• identify sources of error and suggest improvements in the experiment
• suggest suitable apparatus for investigations
This is a written Paper, testing the same four skills as Paper 5. You may be asked to:
• carefully follow a set of instructions in a particular order
• use familiar and unfamiliar methods to record observations and making deductions
from them
• perform simple tests, for example tests for food substances, using hydrogencarbonate
indicator, litmus and Universal Indicator paper
• use a scalpel or razor blade, forceps, scissors and mounted needles skilfully
• use a hand lens to observe and record biological specimens
• make clear line drawings of specimens
• perform simple calculations, including the magnification (enlargement) of a drawing
Now the skills they are talking about for Paper 5, I will write them so you wont get counfused.
-recording current and p.d and drawing circuit diagrams
-ray tracing and drawing ray diagrams
-measuring temprature
-balancing(centre of mass and moments)
-stretching of springs
-timing of oscillations
• measuring the volumes of liquids and gases, including the use of burettes and
pipettes (You will not be required to weigh materials.)
(You should be able to take burette reading to the nearest 0.1 cm3 and measure
volumes in measuring cylinders to the nearest scale unit.)
• measuring speeds of reaction
• measuring temperature (You should be able to measure the temperature to the
nearest scale division on the thermometer.)
• paper chromatography
• filtering
• identifying ions and gases using a table of tests to help you
• carefully following a set of instructions in a particular order
• using familiar and unfamiliar methods to record observations and making deductions
from them
• performing simple tests, for example tests for food substances, using hydrogencarbonate
indicator, litmus and Universal Indicator paper
• using a scalpel or razor blade, forceps, scissors and mounted needles skilfully
• using a hand lens to observe and record biological specimens
• making clear line drawings of specimens
• performing simple arithmetical calculations, including the magnification of a drawing
Good luck everyone and for any question please ask.
hey sweetsh
i have problem in solving the mirrors and glass question of paper 6 physics as i always get them wrong...any idea how can i correct those...or i dont knw the main concept behind it...if anyone can help me out it would be pretty good.
their was also a question i went through and had problems of measurement in physics paper 6 may/June 2008 on page 3 question 1 (b)
The cylinder completely covers the marks on the same rule. Describe, with the aid of a diagram, how you would judge that the centre of the cylinder is directly above the 10.0cm mark.
wow! brilliant list.
nice work!
ahamm....looolz...yess its a nice list :P
on the other hand can anyone plz help me out in this easiest question in the world i have typed iabove...thankyou...
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