NAH!! I should be the sweetesht
I am sweet enough to give the tag to crooky since this is his thread (but wth, his bday's over-he should no longer be treated special )
Crooky's time's up
My time is now
You cant taste me
cz I'm that damn sweet...LOL!!!!!!!!!! XD (mocking cena )
Forgive the madness...My team's the champ, we've won the more to go...well anyway, so i am like really HYPER XD!
YOOOOOOOOOOOOO ! M-H ! It's beeeen so long, since i've seeeeen yer face.
LOL ! I am no sweet. I am all honey.
The mother of sweetness.
I can be a Chocolate, as well. The grand dad of the sweet-ness.
Ahhhhh, it's getting lame, yo.
LOL ! YUH KEEEEEELED IT, YO ! I was reading those lines and felt good till i read the word 'taste'
Screwed up, hommie.
Gottttta catch yuh soon, hommie.
Take care.
Keep smilin'
Haha I can be veryy sweet... When I want to be haha
But you're still the sweetest, dammit
Dear God.
Yuh the sweeeeeeeetest, yo.
I am just a BIG fan of yer krazy lessons.