Qualification > Sciences

Physics Radioactivity doubt


So in Past Papers, in P3 they sometimes give questions like describe experiment setup for detecting a particular type of radiation....in the first part they give a space to draw the apparatus...in the second part they ask you to describe how the experiment should be carried out.

So in the second part...do we have to explain the apparatus setup or the readings to be taken...we cant do both...not enuf space...and in one type of q like this the mark scheme says the readings should be given and in one type the apparatus setup....????

Please help


--- Quote from: AshWINNER on October 05, 2010, 11:23:56 am ---So in Past Papers, in P3 they sometimes give questions like describe experiment setup for detecting a particular type of radiation....in the first part they give a space to draw the apparatus...in the second part they ask you to describe how the experiment should be carried out.

So in the second part...do we have to explain the apparatus setup or the readings to be taken...we cant do both...not enuf space...and in one type of q like this the mark scheme says the readings should be given and in one type the apparatus setup....????

Please help

--- End quote ---

Hmm.........usually you need to describe as much as you can. Try to draw the apparatus and mention all the details on the diagram itself. This will somehow restrict your theoritical explanations which you can preserve for mentioning the readings.


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