Qualification > Sciences
ALIMINUIM.... METAL??? help please!!!!!!!!! EASY
Extraction of metal (Aliminuim)
*low density ........ airoplane......body
*resist corrosion......>window+door frames
*reflection of heat......> food.........> container rust
*conductor or heat.....> kitchen wear
*conductor of electricity........> over head cables
please explain and can u give me any info about this topic im confused Embarrassed ugh.. n i need to know about zinc and copper aswel... hm.. thanks a bunch
is al high density or low? i dont even know wat it means :-[ :-[
Check my posts. Please tell me if you don't get anything. Don't hesitate. My explanation can be a bit crude (crude- get it? Ore.. crude..extraction of metals. OK sorry, I'm a bit sad in life. :P )
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