Author Topic: Rank each one of the below, plz.  (Read 1899 times)

Offline kaipai

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Rank each one of the below, plz.
« on: June 14, 2012, 07:01:20 pm »
Dear all!

All those who are preparing for As/A level english plz listen.
Here are two pieces of literature.You just need to read each of the piece below of two different students and then give marks from between 1 to 10 to each on the basis of style/language of the writing, rather than on the basis of content/topic. Plz read carefully. Also please quote the grade you obtained in O level/IGcse english and AS/a level English grade also if possible. YOur grade would be considered an evidence of authority...PLease reply carefully.

Tell me which piece you liked and why:what was special in it to receive more points.Pleas be neutral while replying as this is a critical point.

First piece of writing:{
Dowry:An ugly custom:
 While we cherish the hubbub and the blissful ambience surrounding a marriage, why do we fail to realise the presence of a very old (and unjust) practice which ought to be eliminated? That is, dowry.

On matrimonial shows, the man, when asked about dowry requirements, often says, ‘I will be satisfied with whatever the girl brings,’ or ‘I will accept dowry if the girl’s parents offer any,’ etc. Does the honour of men, or their conscience, not rebuke and prevent them from demanding, or accepting, such an odious thing as dowry?  Yes, dowry should be labelled ‘an insult’, as accepting dowry is no better than receiving alms.

Girls are not horrible burdens who, when marrying, bring dowry as compensation to the men for marrying them. Then why do parents, as well as giving their daughter to another family, grant various things like furniture, appliances, attires, utensils, etc?
Is this the price of parting from their dear daughter?

Parents leave no stone unturned for saving and gathering dowry items. This process begins as soon as the girl enters this world and does not come to an end until she is married off.

Despite receiving considerable and valuable dowry items, the in-laws often ridicule the girl for not bringing sufficient dowry articles. The mother-in-law then gives her own example, boasting how much and how precious dowry she had brought with herself at her own marriage.

The only reasonable solution for the eradication of this gender-biased tradition will be to put an end to the convention of arranged marriages; the girl is rarely ordered by her husband to bring anything as dowry in love marriages, though parents of the boy do place such demands on her.

Nevertheless, in such cases, her husband does not insist on dowry, since he has gained his desired life partner, which is enough reward for him.

In arranged marriages, on the other hand, the boy also asks for dowry because he does not think it a reward or blessing if he is bestowed an astute and sensible wife.

In addition, girls should also find employment so that they are considered productive family members, and not ‘good-for-nothing’ burdens, since household work is not deemed a vocation in Pakistan.

I wait for the day when love marriages in Pakistan will not be considered an offence or a forbidden act, and when boys’ parents will relinquish demanding dowry whether the marriage is arranged or otherwise.

2nd piece of writing: {
Remember Afghanistan’s Women
 Let us be true, at least once, and heartily say: “American (and Nato) efforts in Afghanistan have not all been in vain”.

All Pakistanis, particularly those who keep criticising the US, should have a comparative look at the present condition and that of 10 years ago — at least women have progressed there a lot.
Laura Bush has highlighted a very touchy but worthwhile aspect of US and Nato forces in Afghanistan. While the world is busy pondering over the Nato issue and terrorism, it is true that Afghan women deserve due attention.

Afghan women must remain of primary concern to all the decisions of Nato forces and international policies. Humanitarian organisations like Amnesty International ask for rapid withdrawal of Nato forces from Afghanistan. But could such organisations have attained so much feminist progress without the efforts of the US, in general, and Nato forces, in particular?

Some 10 years ago women suffered in Afghanistan owing to extremism exercised by the Taliban. They were beaten up, taken for granted and locked up inside their houses. No police or judicial body could lessen their sufferings. Even the humanitarian organisation there could not carry out the necessary measures.

If there are say 1,000 deaths of civilians each month in Afghanistan, there were much more when the Taliban were in authority, some estimates claim, though the Taliban would never let any official statistics be made. Hence there were silent sufferings of non-Muslims and non-Afghan, as well as of the whole womanhood .

The US has helped alleviate the social and economic position of Afghanistan. Had the US not pioneered in manipulating Afghanistan (particularly after 9/11), there would have been more massive destructions throughout the world. Nothing can be hundred per cent perfect. So looking objectively, these 10 years of international interference have, in fact, rigorously loosened the Taliban supremacy in Afghanistan. Even Osama bin Laden’s death is indirectly attributed to a weakened Afghan Taliban support — as a result of American intervention.}}

Thank you for listening to me...
Take care,