Qualification > Languages
Arabic First language
the major reason that made me not to take eng first lang, is that i couldnt find a gd tutor until a late time.....and i couldnt change ma mind so i just went through this... :D
Better for you, these two langs are driving me crazy!!!
me too .. i'm no good at all in arabic .. but i still had to take it 1st lang and english 2nd lang
my dad helped me in arabic .. i had no tutor .. he used 2 laf a LOT while reading wut i wrote because of my spellings and the way i write because i c**t help translate english expressions into arabic,.. so everything sounded damn funny :D and my dad goes like " mt2akeda enek 3arabeya?? "
I take classical arabic for edexcel. Its translation, harder that arabic as a 1st language.
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