Qualification > Social Studies
IGCSE Sociology DOUBTS Here !!
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: Echoes on May 14, 2011, 12:32:57 pm ---Alhamdoallah...Thanks 4 da help golden girl inshallah it becomes a good exam ameeen ;D
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InshAllah :)
hiya, which is more convenient IT or sociology. Forrunately, im studying one of both, im good at computer but the practical wil be harder as i had to study alone and also sociology i have to study alone, is it possible to just read the answers to the past papers for sociology and take the exam on june? ive passed the igcse level but didnt take sociology
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: Smileforlife on July 02, 2011, 08:49:42 pm ---hiya, which is more convenient IT or sociology. Forrunately, im studying one of both, im good at computer but the practical wil be harder as i had to study alone and also sociology i have to study alone, is it possible to just read the answers to the past papers for sociology and take the exam on june? ive passed the igcse level but didnt take sociology
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1. What I understand of what you just said is you are confused on whether you want to take " Sociology" or "IT" in IGCSE perhaps the coming May/June session ?
Well if that's the case I can't help you chose since I only took Sociology i.e. I didn't take IT and since I can't help you with that decision.Sorry.
2. You see the Marking Scheme of Sociology only gives you some ideas to include in your answers but for you to gain a "full mark" on the Question or perhaps with a B and above in your exam you have to actually solve those questions on your own and post your doubts here if you have no one who can help you like a teacher or tutor.
P.S. You need to work hard for Sociology by understanding the concepts as well as knowing how to write your answers to the Questions perfectly.
Here are a couple of threads that hopefully will help you decide whether you want to take Sociology or drop it :
If you need any help in regards of Sociology contact "Me" and perhaps "Spider-man" .. Although it's been a year since I took Sociology but I'll do my best inshAllah.
I hope I helped :)
hey thanks :) but how can i study it .. so i just have to memorize or research.? oh yh is there alot of research? and how long does it take to cover the syllabus if i studied about 1-2 hour daily until end of september or beginning of october, since i might take it on november? if im done.. im confused
what do i start with?
just reading the book first, or memorizing the meaning of the words, please help me :) thanks and who is spider man, im new here so how can i know wheres his link :)?
thanks alot
what did you get last year and how many hours did u study? im only studying 1-2 hours this summer .. but will study more when school starts so please help the steps i begin with
ill take sociology
The Golden Girl =D:
I'll tell you everything tomorrow inshAllah because I need to go now ,alright ? ;)
EDIT : I'm answering your questions :)
How to study for Sociology ?
--- Quote from: The Golden Girl on September 05, 2010, 09:45:32 pm ---here's an intro abt Sociology ;)
mmm I took Sociology ..... u need to know the followin abt it ;
1. It's not ALL abt memorizing *first u gotta Understand the syllabus then Memorize the defenitions and impo points ;) *
2. You need to solve the past papers from June 2004-June 2010 and let a teacher supervise ur work ... cuz it's no use if u do it alone !!
3. the Amazing fact abt sociology is that u get to pick which Qs to answer , rather than having to answerr the whole Question Paper..... BUT in preparation for the Exam to be on the safe side you should study ALL the topics not only the ones you're interested in. *I hated Politics but I read that chapter before the exam eventually :-\ :P *
6.It's kinda like an ESSAY kinda subject ;)
Gd Luck ;)
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There is no such thing as you have to "research" but since you're studying on your own you might want to get to know a topic a bit more so that you understand it then in that case you can search whatever you want to learn but "Research" is not included ;) .. But for me to confirm this you have to give me the CODE for the Subject i.e. Sociology you're going to take in november session.
P.S. just give me the CODE and then I'll explain to you what I was trying to say ;)
How long does it take to cover the syllabus ?
Well I took Sociology with my school you see so it took me about 6 months to prepare for it and Here is my teacher's technique ;) ;
1. She taught ALL the 8 Topics and taught us ALL we need to know about them.
2. She started solving with us past papers example for two weeks she solves "Crime and Deviance" and we finish papers up to 2-4 years.
3. When she finished ALL the Topics and showing us how to approach the questions and how to write a Debate , she made us solve the "OLD" past papers i.e. June 2004 up to June 2007 and then we asked her about our doubts and that's it.
4. She gave us mocks and Quizzes every time we finished two topics ;)
5. At the end she gave us some "OLD" notes and she said they might be included in the Syllabus and hence at least just read it or take a look at it.
What do i start with?
Buy a book , actually buy TWO books and they are :
and http://www.amazon.ca/Sociology-Gcse-Aqa-Pauline-Wilson/dp/0007310706
these are the books I used and they are very good. Aren't there any IGCSE Sociology books? Well to be honest not that I've heard of :-\ . I used these two books and my teacher ALWAYS referred to the Syllabus at the end to make sure we knew everything we were supposed to know.
Nope you start by reading the Book first and from "Your Understanding " you make your OWN notes and this step is very Vital because it will help you a lot especially when you solve past papers and when you want to revise ,you'll just have to refer to "your notes" ;)
https://studentforums.biz/profile/Roxy/ => Spider-man ;) she took "Sociology" but I'm not quite sure about it.
What did you get last year ? How many hours did u study?
I ended up with an A Alhamdulilah :)
We only had 2 periods of "Sociology" a week Plus the time I spend in the weekend studying and reading so I think approximately it was about 5-7 hours a week but that was the case at the beginning of the year ,but by the end of the year that is starting from Jan/Feb we started having more lessons and I had to come to school on Weekends etc.
I hope I cleared your doubts :) If you have any doubts or any more questions don't hesitate to ask me ;)
NOTE: If you need my help in answering your past paper doubts ,I have to say it would take me some time to answer you since my resources/stuff are not with me at the moment.
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