Concept of Love, as far as i'm concerned at least, is not a simple concept. Its too complicated to fully understand. For me, to love someone is not about "oh honey! i love you", no not at all, using a word excessively only lightens the word's meaning. loving someone, in a romantic sense, is about being with someone whom you will literally be willing to spend the rest of your life with. That doesn't mean you will be spending every single minute of the rest of your life with them. You should have your set of friends and acquaintances, and she should have hers, and you both should have a small set of mutual friends. Having the same entire set of friends only means that you're lifeless. Friends, be it guys or girls, should not be forfeited for the sake of a lover: the lover should understand the value of my friends, otherwise she is not worthy of me. My lover should be the one I am most passionate about, but I still have the right to live my life how I want it; if i want to divide my spare time amongst sports, tv, and friends, leaving her with only a small fraction of my time, she shouldn't complain, i still have my life, her being in it makes it special, but it doesn't nullify it. My lover should be the one whom i desire to be the mother of my kids, the one whom i want to grow old with. my friends will come and go, she would always be there, growing old with me, be with me as my children grow older. the one whom i will always feel safe when my head is around her arms or on her lap. love, in its romantic sense, for me, is about being safe and happy at the end of the day, however, at no expense of my normal life.