Qualification > Reference Material

french listening past papers

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lol these papers are sure hard!!! can anyone whos knows french really well post the ans the last qs??

hey, could someone plz forward me the french listening papers to arsenal_fabregas15@hotmail.com ...... because they're not available on freeexampapers.com I don't want the audio.....i already have it. just the papers 1999 and 2000

IGfab4 dude I can give you the papers but before that do you have the tapes for other years if so can you send them to me?

Ghost Of Highbury:
hello hyebyekadal...i have uploaded the audio files for these years in windows sky drive
u can download it from here.....http://cid-a1aae58af356b211.skydrive.live.com/browse.aspx/listening

good luck byeee

Ghost Of Highbury:
i don't have other years sorry... :-[


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